Friday, March 21, 2008

Thing 8: Share your creations

Well, I found this Thing very informative, but I am having great difficulty uploading my slideshow. I am going to leave it be and try uploading it again on Monday. Maybe the incredible snow is slowing things down or bogging things up. I am imagining all sorts of uses for these tools with programming and especially for the promotion of our libraries. Using all of this technology makes libraries look very appealing for younger users and hopefully people in my somewhat older age group as well. For some reason even with all of our efforts young people look at libraries as old and stuffy...and we need to change that image with using technology that we have at our very own fingertips. I am so very glad that I signed up for 23 things!

Thing 7: Web 2.0 Communication tools

Web 2.0 has some information that I did know and some that I did not. E-mail has been around for a longtime. Some are not embracing it...but others are and are using it in a variety of ways. I have embraced and ran with it. Ha! I did have a bit of a problem with IM though..finding someone to IM with. Yes, I couldn't find an adult that I knew to IM with! I could find kids...but not adults. So, it looks to me that I will be signing alot of people up for IM. As far as webinars go, I have signed on for a few of them in the past and think that this is really a wonderful way of being able to participate live...or archived. I just keep thing at a time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Thing 6 : Online image generators

I found online image generators very interesting. I like the idea of being able to create these trading cards for whatever you a point and click. The only trouble that I had was when I was uploading my image to my blog. The image gets stuck...and then if you cancel the job and retry seems to upload properly. I really want to think on how we can use these for programming at our libraries or better yet as a way to promote our libraries..generating hype..and having everyone wearing a I Love the Appleton Library button. I plan on creating a few more, keep watching my blog...for more.